IC Markets 发布迈达克网页交易加强产品供应

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
19 0

澳大利亚交易商IC Markets已经宣布发布新的网页交易平台前端提供给客户。在迈达克网页交易功能正式发布两个月后,IC Markets已经称为迈达克最新的代理商,为客户提供和完善解决方案。
公司已从MetaQuotes拿到解决方案,因此允许客户体验提网页交易无缝的解决方案。IC市场与Leverate的 Sirix平台同坐网页界面交易合作,早在2014年6月就已经进行了合作,但现在已经停止对公司产品的支持。
随着MT4网页界面的介绍和推广,迈达克已经设法解决了一些问题,交易商已经按照客户的要求等用其他的操作系统如MacOS X进行操作。
根据在线数据分析公司NetMarketShare的研究表明,MacOS X用户现在仅仅代表了百分之五的个人电脑用户。这本身就是非常少的。也就是说MacOS X的用户更可能是更高端的客户,目标群体是在线外汇交易和差价合约交易商。
昨天早些时候,One Financial Markets已经宣布支持迈达克开发的网页交易平台。这也就是说,众多的交易商也会陆陆续续向客户提供MT4网页交易平台,扩大交易平台的投资组合种类,这是非常有可能的。
IC Markets Launches MetaQuotes Webtrader to Consolidate Offering
The company has focused on the needs of its clients to access the platform from multiple locations and operating systems
Australian broker IC Markets has announced that it launches a new web platform front-end to its clients. A couple of months after the official launch of the MeatQuotes Webtrader, IC Markets has become the latest brokerage that is implementing the solution for its clients.
The company has picked up the solution from MetaQuotes, therefore allowing a more seamless experience for its clients when compared to offering other web trader solutions. IC Markets has partnered with Leverate for its Sirix platform through a web interface back in June 2014, but has since discontinued support for the product.
Since the launch of the native solution from MetaQuotes, which is mirroring an MT4 experience through a web interface, a number of web trader platforms may face a challenger which is tough to beat.
With the introduction of a web MT4 interface, MeatQuotes has managed to address some concerns that brokers had with some of their clients demanding alternative solutions for other operating systems like MacOS X.
According to a study by online data analytics company NetMarketShare, MacOS X users are currently representing about 5 per cent of the personal computer users, which in itself is not a lot. That said, the users of MacOS X are more likely to be higher value clients, a target group that is very important for online foreign exchange and CFDs brokers.
Earlier today, One Financial Markets has also announced its endorsement for the web trader platform developed by MetaQuotes. There is a big likelihood that a multitude of other brokers which are already providing MT4 to their clients, are going to expand their trading platforms portfolio.
While there are still some questions about the added value of a web-based MT4 platform, the relative stability and reliability of the MetaQuotes solutions might play a dominant role when brokers choose which platform to offer.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年12月22日 下午 11:13。
转载请注明:IC Markets 发布迈达克网页交易加强产品供应 | 每日外汇网


