Tullett Prebon成为首家在日本发布SEF交易清算的公司

汇商资讯 8年前 (2016) admin
15 0


英国交易商Tullett Prebon,成为首家在日本证券清算所(JSCC)成功发布掉期执行服务交易清算的公司。交易由tpSEF混合交易平台执行。
去年JSCC拿下CFTC的衍生品清算组织豁免权,使得Tullett Prebon可以在与客户和合作伙伴交易时安排使用tpSEF。
Tullett Prebon与Markit合作,成为金融信息服务提供商,在日本通过JSCC进行交易服务和清算业务。
董事总经理和日本公司的业务负责人Sanjuro Takeuchi,评论道:“该交易模式会在日本诞生一个新的时代,证明JSCC的这种无缝连接的模式是非常可行的。”
Tullett Prebon日本公司董事总经理Tom Lovell补充说:“我们很自豪成为第一个平台和流程执JSCC的SEF交易清算。它强调了公司的能力适应流体监管环境和为全球客户提供最好的解决方案。这种贸易可以提高日本市场的流动性,减少碎片。”
Tullett Prebon Becomes First Firm To Send SEF Trade For Clearing In Japan
The trade is a new era for SEF clearing in Japan demonstrating that seamless connectivity is now a reality.
Tullett Prebon, a UK interdealer broker, has become the first firm to successfully send a Swap Execution Facility (SEF) trade for clearing at the Japan Securities Clearing Corporation (JSCC). The trade was executed via tpSEF’s hybrid trading platform.

The JSCC obtained an exemption from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) from registration as a Derivatives Clearing Organisation (DCO) last year, leading Tullett Prebon to work with clients and partners to arrange this month’s trade on tpSEF.
Tullett Prebon partnered with Markit, the financial information services provider, in Japan for trade processing and clearing through the JSCC.
Sanjuro Takeuchi, managing director and head of the firm’s Japanese business, commented: “This trade ushers in a new era for SEF clearing in Japan, demonstrating that seamless connectivity to the JSCC is now very much a reality.”
Tom Lovell, Managing Director Tullett Prebon Japan, added: “We are proud to have become the first platform to execute and process a SEF trade for clearing at the JSCC. It highlights the firm’s ability to adapt to a fluid regulatory landscape and offer clients the best possible solutions globally. This trade could improve liquidity in the Japanese market and reduce fragmentation.”


版权声明:admin 发表于 2016年6月2日 下午 11:13。
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