
汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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根据调查,澳大利亚证券投资委员会(ASIC)已经吊销了 LSG Group Pty Ltd的澳大利亚金融服务执照(AFSL)。原名为NZ Global Financial Trading,Easy Capital Global和AIFA Global,公司运营的两个网站( and – 后者为中文网站)。
“AFSL持照人需要遵守他们的相关义务是非常重要的,这样可以确保使用财务报表的债权人和投资者,有足够的信息来做出明智的选择。”ASIC专员Greg Tanzer说。
Australian Watchdog Revokes NZGFT License for Deceptive Claims
Its Chinese website promoted “Guaranteed Capital with Bonus Scheme” plan and that “Expert Advisors masters can get $1 million US dollar”.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has cancelled the Australian financial service licence (AFSL) of LSG Group Pty Ltd, following an investigation. Formerly known as NZ Global Financial Trading, Easy Capital Global and AIFA Global, the firm operated two websites ( and – the latter a Chinese website).
Among the findings of ASIC is that the firm made misleading or deceptive representations on its Australian website concerning products it offered, including a “Guaranteed Capital with Bonus Scheme Plan” and a “Cash Dividend Plan”. It also made misleading or deceptive representations on its Chinese website including a promotion titled “Win Double Profit for Expert Advisors Real Account. Expert Advisors masters can get $1 million US dollar”.
Additionally found by ASIC is that the brokerage also failed to do all things necessary to conduct financial services in an efficient, honest and fair manner in relation to a deposit of US$100,000 received from an overseas client.
“It is vital that AFSL holders comply with their reporting requirements to ensure that creditors and investors who use financial reports, have the proper information to make informed decisions.” ASIC Commissioner Greg Tanzer said.
“Licensees will not be absolved of their obligations, including those relating to previous or ongoing breaches by a change in control or ownership. Any prospective new owners and managers should ensure they conduct adequate due diligence before acquiring a licence and assume responsibility of the licensee’s obligations.”

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:43。
转载请注明:LSG被ASIC吊销执照的真相 | 每日外汇网


