Citadel Securities加入FastMatch,执行首次披露交易

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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FastMatch今天宣布执行第一个完全披露交易对手之间的贸易平台。交易执行在全球一级银行和流动量提供商的加入之间进行——Citadel Securities,在美国最大的做市商之一,产品有期权、外汇、汇率、股权和其他工具。
披露交易允许流通量提供商根据每个客户的具体需求定制的最适合价格。FastMatch 9月宣布,它将提供充分披露交易成本仅每百万美元1美元。此举FastMatch加入其他电子交易平台,如EBS,介绍披露操作他们的ECNs模式的交易。
“我们有一个巨大的积极响应来自客户和我们的新流通量提供商,提供全球性、低成本、充分披露交易”,Dmitri Galinov FastMatch的首席执行官说。“Citadel Securities——世界上最大的做市商之一——新产品推出后仅两周与更多公司的点差线对增加披露交易是一个强大识别市场的办法。”
Jamil Nazarali,Citadel执行服务负责人说:“我们非常高兴与FastMatch合作向客户提供披露流动性。外汇解决方案的披露交易可以让我们基于个体客户的需求为他们进行定制,以便为他们提供更高水平的服务。”
Citadel Securities Joins FastMatch, Executes First Disclosed Trade
Disclosed trading allows liquidity providers to provide customized pricing to best suit each client’s specific needs.
FastMatch today announced that it has executed the first fully disclosed trade between counterparties over its platform. The trade was executed between an undisclosed global tier one bank and its first liquidity provider that joined – Citadel Securities, one of the largest market makers in the U.S for options, FX, rates, equities, and other instruments.
Disclosed trading allows liquidity providers to provide customized pricing to best suit each client’s specific needs. In September, FastMatch announced that it would offer fully disclosed trading at a cost of only $1 per million USD notional per side. With this move FastMatch joined other electronic trading platforms, such as EBS, which have introduced disclosed trading to operate alongside their legacy ECNs.
“We had a tremendous positive response from clients and liquidity providers to our new, global, low cost, fully disclosed trading offering”, said Dmitri Galinov, CEO of FastMatch. “Citadel Securities – one of the largest market makers in the world – going live on the new offering only two weeks after its launch with many more firms in the pipeline is a strong recognition of the increasing demand in the market for disclosed trading”.
Jamil Nazarali, Head of Citadel Execution Services, said: “We’re excited to partner with FastMatch to provide disclosed liquidity to clients. Disclosed trading allows us to customize our FX solutions based on an individual customer’s needs in order to provide them with the best level of service”.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:44。
转载请注明:Citadel Securities加入FastMatch,执行首次披露交易 | 每日外汇网


