TradeKing放弃MB Trading交易商许可证,只保留IB资格

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
23 0

下一步巩固美国市场的计划就是MB Trading放弃其RFED执照
加利福尼亚多资产交易商MB Trading今天对其客户发布通知,公司将巩固TradeKing Forex下的外汇交易操作。弗罗里达公司TradeKing集团在8月收购了所有前竞争对手的资产。
在收购的时候,TradeKing的联合创始人和CEO Don Montanaro说:“TradeKing和MB Trading的客户将会获得我们两家公司最好的产品,技术和服务。” 似乎MB Trading的单独外汇服务的提供并不是最好的。
现在在MB Trading和TradeKing的客户说,他们的这种转变是为了为客户的交易提供最好的解决办法。他们承诺TradeKing Forex的客户和前MB的客户将会收到最佳的点差价格和其他福利。
此举另一个受益的就是嘉盛资本,TradeKing的外汇部门已经确定称为嘉盛资本外汇官网品牌的IB。从本质上讲,MB Trading在10月23日以后将不会再有外汇交易业务。所有TradeKing管理的客户将称为IB。
下一个巩固美国市场的步骤就是, MB Trading放弃了NFA零售外汇交易商(RFED)执照。代理私下抱怨令人窒息的监管,并且一个接一个的离开美国在岸交易,几年下来只留下了少数的玩儿家。根据最新的CFTC FCM数据,在该举动之间MB Trading是美国外汇七大交易商之一,占有3.3%市场份额。
TradeKing Drops MB Trading’s Dealer License, Left Only as an IB
This is another step in the consolidation of the American market as MB Trading is dropping its RFED license.
California-based multi-asset broker MB Trading has notified its clients today that the company will be consolidating its forex trading operations under TradeKing Forex. The Florida-based TradeKing Group acquired all of its former rival’s assets back in August.
At the time of the takeover, Don Montanaro, co-founder and CEO of TradeKing said: “TradeKing and MB Trading clients will have access to the best products, technology and services our two firms have to offer.” It seems MB Trading’s independent forex service is not considered the best TradeKing can offer.
Now the people at MB Trading and TradeKing say they believe this transition offers the best trading solution for their clients. They promise that as clients of TradeKing Forex, former MB clients will receive special top-tier spread pricing and other benefits.
Another party that will benefit from the move is GAIN Captial, with TradeKing’s forex division being an introducing broker to GAIN Capital’s FOREX.Com brand. Essentially, MB Trading will no longer exist for forex trading as of October 23rd. And all its customers will be handled under TradeKing as the introducing broker.
This is yet another step in the consolidation of the American market as MB Trading is dropping its NFA retail foreign exchange dealers (RFED) license. Privately complaining about suffocating regulations, one broker after another has left U.S shores over the last few years leaving just a handful of players. According to the latest CFTC FCM data, before this move MB Trading was the seventh largest forex broker in the U.S with a 3.3% market share.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:44。
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