独家:全球外汇战略主管Marshall Gittler从铁汇离职

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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Finance Magnates的记者已经了解到,铁汇的重要领导Marshall Gittler已经从铁汇离职。铁汇公司前全球外汇战略主管通过他在主要的经济新闻网络中的频繁出现,对市场的洞察力,对公司的品牌宣传有着极大的效应。
Marshall Gittler领导公司的研究部门,在电视媒体和社交媒体中提供免费的市场走势的分析和主要全球交易商经济发展分布。
 (Marshall Gittler)
Finance Magnates的独家采访中,Gittler先生说:“我在铁汇的时候是收获颇丰并且时刻为铁汇付出着。我非常感激公司能这样支持我们的独立研究工作。现在我很期待我职业生涯的下一阶段。”
上个月英国铁汇全球有限公司CEO Stefanos Mitsi离任,但是出人意料的是,仅仅几个月之后他就被提拔为英国业务的负责人。
公司发言人向Finance Magnates证实,公司研究小组将由Sakis Paraskevov和Charalambos Pissouros共同领导,作为铁汇近年来的高级研究分析师,他们所涉猎的包括基本和技术上的一些分析。
Exclusive: Head of Global FX Strategy, Marshall Gittler, Leaves IronFX
One of the key figures at IronFX, frequently appearing on major TV networks such as Bloomberg, has parted ways with the brokerage
Finance Magnates’ reporters have learned that one of the key figures at IronFX, Marshall Gittler, has left the brokerage. The company’s former Head of Global FX Strategy has made a big contribution in popularizing the company’s brand through his frequent appearances on major economic news networks while providing his market insights.
Marshall Gittler headed the research department of the company, which delivers free analysis of market moves and key economic developments distributing to traders worldwide in various ways including popular TV networks and social media.
Commenting to Finance Magnates exclusively, Mr. Gittler stated, ”My time at IronFX was fruitful and rewarding and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to work for a company that strongly supports independent research. Now I’m looking forward to the next stage in my career.”
Mr. Gittler has been a great economic analysis contributor for the company, while delivering his daily commentary which promoted the IronFX brand worldwide. The move comes at a crucial time for the brokerage as it strives to regain its credibility after a number of client withdrawal issues attracted the attention of various regulators.
In an unprecedented move the Hungarian National Bank mentioned the withdrawal issues of IronFX’s clients in an official announcement last month. Earlier this summer, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) launched an investigation of the brokerage headquartered in Limassol.
Last month, IronFX Global UK Ltd. parted ways with its CEO Stefanos Mitsi in a surprise development merely a couple of months after he was promoted to head the broker’s UK operations.
A company spokesperson confirmed to Finance Magnates reporters that the broker’s research team will be co-led by Sakis Paraskevov and Charalambos Pissouros, who have both been senior research strategists at IronFX for several years, covering both fundamental and technical analysis.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:44。
转载请注明:独家:全球外汇战略主管Marshall Gittler从铁汇离职 | 每日外汇网


