
汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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GTX公司流通部主管Steve Riley对声明解释道:“我们对流通量规则的管理和精炼将会传递给我们的客户非常宝贵的交易经验。这些办法将改善回复时间,填单率同时减少交易失败。”
公司的全球销售主管John Miesner说:“市场已经认可我们独一无二的价值主张,因为GTX的交易量在大量增长。这种独特的主张包括:承诺提供最高标准的流通量供应和执行,规则执行的透明化,通过我们的服务产生越来越多样化的参与形式。”
GAIN Capital’s GTX Implements New Rules for Liquidity Providers
The move is aiming to improve the execution quality of GAIN’s services to end clients as GTX ECN volumes rose 36 percent in H1
GAIN Capital (NYSE:GCAP) has just announced that is is implementing new rules for liquidity providers (LPs) to its institutional electronic communications network (ECN) GTX. According to the company, the move is designed to improve the execution quality of the broker’s services to its end clients.
The new rules of engagement are directed at market makers who deliver Reviewable Liquidity, defined as orders and quotes submitted to the GTX venue which must be accepted or declined prior to execution.
The new GTX rules for LPs
A number of points are covered starting with a 250 millisecond response time, which is half of the acceptable rate within which market makers have been required to accept or decline incoming orders until now – 500 milliseconds.
A new rule is aiming to define for market makers a Targeted Acceptance Rate of 80 to 85 per cent of the orders sent to them. The minimum quote size has been set at $1 million, with GAIN Capital stating that this rule’s aim is to assure a level playing field.
Lastly, every market maker has to maintain a minimum average daily volume (ADV) of $200 million or more, which is aggregated across all price feeds (including firm liquidity).
Commenting on the announcement the Head of Liquidity at GTX, Steve Riley explained, “Refining the rules of engagement of our liquidity provision will deliver a superior trading experience to our customers. These measures will improve the response time and fill ratios for our clients while reducing trade rejections.”
The trading volumes of the company’s institutional ECN offering, GTX have increased by 36 percent in the first half of this year.
The company’s Global Head of Sales, John Miesner, said, “The market has recognized our unique value proposition, which has resulted in strong volume growth for GTX. This unique value proposition includes a commitment to delivering the highest standards of liquidity provision and execution, transparency around the rules of engagement and access to an increasing diverse range of participants through our prime of prime services.”

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:45。
转载请注明:嘉盛资本的GTX对流通量提供商补充新规则 | 每日外汇网


