
汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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美国交易商操作的零售外汇资金的15年7月的月增率为6.4%, Interactive Brokers领跑。

但是最值得注意的是福汇,其外汇资金下降了约0.3%,然而在美国市场飙升的过程中大多数竞争者之间的入金都是互相影响的。导致月增率的膨胀主要是因为Interactive Brokers,从15年我们就看到了57.7%的月增率大幅增长。在最近的Interactive Brokers的月度数据中,外汇公司业务的数量指标越来越少了。
福汇公司在美国外汇市场仍然是最大的玩儿家,占有31.5%的市场份额,同比2015年6月有34%的下降。有趣的是,嘉盛资本和万达的市场份额占比同样也受Interactive Brokers的影响大幅增加。

US Retail FX Funds Notch Steadfast Growth In July, CFTC Data Shows
Retail FX funds held at brokerages operating in the United States has increased by 6.4% MoM in July 2015, led by Interactive Brokers.
According to the latest retail foreign exchange (FX) dealers (RFEDs) data released today by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), retail FX funds held at registered brokerages operating in the United States has increased by 6.4% MoM in July 2015 compared with the month of June.
The monthly gain in July 2015 pares last month’s overall decline in total retail FX obligation – June 2015 saw a net decrease of -1.4% for all brokerages operating in the United States.
For the month ending July 2015 however, total retail FX obligation increased by 6.4% MoM from June 2015. Moreover, virtually all brokers notched increased in the amounts of FX funds they held in July. With volatility taking over the markets in August, the figures from last month, which will be published in October may be even perkier.

The notable exception was FXCM (NYSE: FXCM), which saw its FX funds about flat with a meager decline by -0.3%, while deposits at all of its major competitors in the U.S. market rose. Leading the swell MoM was Interactive Brokers, which saw substantial growth of 57.7% MoM from June 2015. With recent volatility in the monthly figures for Interactive Brokers, the numbers are becoming less of an indicator about the FX business of the company.
FXCM Inc (NYSE:FXCM) remained the biggest player in the US FX market with 31.5% of the market, down from 34% in June 2015. Interestingly, GAIN Capital and OANDA market shares also declined due to the substantial increase in the figures for Interactive Brokers.


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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:47。
转载请注明:CFTC数据显示,美国零售外汇资金缺口7月获得补充 | 每日外汇网


