MahiFX任命Tom Robinson出任销售部主管

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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在五月从 Goldman Sachs离职之后,Robinson先生已经成为MahiFX伦敦销售部门的领军人物之一了。
根据领英公开的个人简历, Tom Robinson,前Goldman Sachshas的电子外汇销售部门主管,即将出任一个新的角色。在今年五月离开世界知名银行之后,他决定加入MahiFX担任销售主管一职。
Robinson已经成为富有经验的金融市场专业人员,在Bloomberg和Barclays Capital有着几十年的行业经验,在Goldman Sachs他花费了8年的时间。
最近,一个名为Great Trade的网站使用一些MahiFX的网站内容,包括MahiFX的联合创始人兼首席执行官David Cooney的照片。受监管的经纪人在其网站上随后发出了声明:“一个名为Great Trade的网站一直在使用我们的一些信息和图片,这已经引起了我们的注意。我们只是想让大家知道GT这个网站是虚假的,与MahiFX并没有任何的关系。我们已经将Great Trade报告给相关的机构组织了。”
Tom Robinson Appointed as Head of Sales at MahiFX
After leaving Goldman Sachs in May, Mr Robinson has become one of the leading figures in the sales division of MahiFX in London
According to publicly available information posted on LinkedIn, Tom Robinson, the former head of electronic foreign exchange (eFX) sales at Goldman Sachshas, has taken on a new role. After having left the world of big banking in May of this year, he’s decided to join the ranks of MahiFX as Head of Sales.
The broker with offices in Christchurch (New Zealand) and in Mayfair (London) has brought this experienced executive on board in order to boost its position on the foreign exchange market. Earlier this year, the company obtained a derivatives market making license from the New Zealand financial markets regulator FMA (Financial Markets Authority).
MahiFX is a market maker, and also holds an operational license from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
Mr Robinson has become an experienced financial markets professional over the past couple of decades after career choices have led him to positions at Bloomberg, Barclays Capital and most recently Goldman Sachs, where he spent over 8 years.
MahiFX has been running two parallel offerings, launching with its own proprietary platform and later adding an MT4 solution.
Recently a website called Great Trade has used some content from the website of MahiFX, including a photograph of one of its co-founders and CEO David Cooney. The regulated broker has posted the following statement on its website: “It has come to our attention that a website called Great Trade has been using some of our information and images. We’d just like to let you know that this website is fake, and has no affiliation with MahiFX. We have reported Great Trade to the appropriate organisations.”

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:47。
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