
汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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Finance Magnates提供了一个互动的数据集,以便决策者和爱好者都来对智能手表交易进行评估。
探索什么是提供的趋势,以及是否要在这里停驻,Finance Magnates正在研究周围的移动使用数据来剖析热门技术的潜力。
评估这一趋势,可以阅读Finance Magnates的最新季度行业报告(QIR)。

Inside Smartwatch Trading: A Trend or a Must for Forex Brokers?
Finance Magnates provides an interactive data set allowing decision makers and aficionados alike to assess trading on one’s smartwatch.
As the range of mobile devices that are available to us has been exponentially growing, so too has the ability to access forex trading technology “on the go”.
This has not gone unnoticed by forex brokers, whose mobile trading platforms, pioneered by MetaQuotes a decade ago, are now a ubiquitous feature of the trading landscape. Indeed, an estimated 60% of traders transact and access a slew of information from their mobile devices, such as current market quotes, notifications, account balance and news updates.
And as technology is becoming wearable, smartwatches are emerging as the latest trend to rock the forex world, or are they? This year has seen a number of forex brokers launch apps allowing clients to gain even speedier access to trading technology.
Just as mobile phones and tablets have become regular trading tools for most traders, it can be anticipated that wearable devices could be incorporated into the lives of traders.
To explore what this trend has to offer and whether it’s here to stay, Finance Magnates has been looking into the data surrounding mobile usage in order to unlock the trending technology’s potential.
To assess the trend in full, read Finance Magnates latest Quarterly Industry Report (QIR).


版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:48。
转载请注明:智能手表内置交易:对于外汇经纪人来说是趋势还是必需? | 每日外汇网


