万达发布点差交易作为其 欧洲、中东和非洲以及英国业务的推广

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
4 0

2014年5月,万达雇用了Daniel Skowronski出任伦敦办事处的总经理,在此任职期间他的任务就是将其经纪人业务扩展到英国和欧洲内外。在这方面来说,万达发布的这个产品非常重要,其目的是为了使公司在英国零售外汇交易市场有更大的发展。
今天发布的点差交易是提供给英国和爱尔兰共和国的价差交易的客户。产品预计9月1日推出,优先提供给签约客户。根据万达的声明,新的点差交易账户可以在其专有fxTrade平台和MetaTrader 4交易外汇和差价合约。
在英国市场,点差交易为获益的交易员提供税点优惠,这一点类似于普通外汇和CFD交易账户。这样,产品可以为国内市场的带来优势,以及为英国主要交易商如IG、CMC和City Index所有提供价差交易账户带来益处。
万达欧洲、中东、非洲以及美国地区的总经理和首席执行官Daniel Skowronski对此次新产品的发布评论说:“我们的欧洲业务的增长一直基于为我们的客户在他们所在的地区提供最具竞争力的产品和平台。对我们来说,产品的开发和风险的控制需要齐头并进的进行。今天,我们使我们的客户受益于点差交易的提供,连同所有主要货币对100:1杠杆比例的增加。这与我们的客户正在进行的教育和风险管理课程有不可分割的关系,鼓励他们使用我们的服务。”
OANDA Launches Spreadbetting as Its EMEA and UK Business Grows
Adding a popular service for its UK clients, OANDA is launching spreadbetting accounts for forex and CFD trading today.
When OANDA hired Daniel Skowronski in May 2014 as a Managing Director to head its London office, among his tasks was expanding the broker’s exposure in and around the UK and Europe. In that regard, OANDA has launched a key product with the aim of providing greater inroads within the UK retail forex and trading market.
Getting launched today is spreadbetting for its UK and Republic and Ireland clients. Initially available to existing customers, the product is expected to have a further rollout on September 1st. According to OANDA, the new spreadbetting accounts will be available on its proprietary fxTrade platform and MetaTrader 4, for both forex and CFD trading.
Similar to regular forex and CFD trading accounts, within the UK market, spreadbetting provides tax advantages for profitable traders. As such, offering the product can provide a marketing advantage within the country, with the major UK trading providers such as IG, CMC and City Index all providing spreadbetting accounts.
Commenting on the launch, Daniel Skowronski, Managing Director and CEO of EMEA and Americas at OANDA stated, “The growth of our EMEA business has been based on providing one of the most competitive products and platforms for our clients within their geographical locations. For us, product development and risk management go hand in hand. Today, we are enabling our clients to benefit from the advantages spread betting offers in conjunction with an increase in leverage of 100:1 across all major currency pairs. This combined with our ongoing education and risk management courses to our clients, encourages appropriate use of our services.”


版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:49。
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