交易商更新—— GMO Click集团、乐天延长交易时间和货币对的变化

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
17 0

MahiFX,受新西兰FMA和澳大利亚ASIC监管的交易商,该公司已经警告其客户小心那些声称是企业认证的套牌公司。该公司发表了声明说:“我们对叫Great Trade的网站注意了很久,他们一直在使用我们公司的信息和图片。我们只想让公众知道该网站是假的,跟MahiFX没有任何的联系。我们已经将Great Trade报告给相关机构了。”
在日本GMO Click证券已经在8月24日发布声明,将延长其差价合约工具的交易时间,包括UK100和Japan225股票指数。同时包括两个农业商品,玉米和大豆。
Brokers’ Update – GMO Click, Rakuten Extend Trading Hours, Pairs
Additionally, MahiFX has warned that it is a victim of a clone website stealing its information and images.
our latest daily digest of news from across the global retail trading industry, one firm warned about a fraud attempt, two Japanese brokers posted updates on new instruments and regulations force leverage down in Poland.
MahiFX, a broker licensed by the New Zealand Financial Markets Authority (FMA) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), has warned its clients to watch out for an alleged corporate identity theft by a clone website. The note from the firm reads: “It has come to our attention that a website called Great Trade has been using some of our information and images. We’d just like to let you know that this website is fake, and has no affiliation with MahiFX. We have reported Great Trade to the appropriate organisations.”
Japan, GMO Click Securities has announced that on August 24, it will extend the trading hours for some of its CFD instruments, including the UK100 and Japan225 stock indices, as well as two agricultural commodities, corn and soybean.
Meanwhile, rival Japanese broker, Rakuten Securities, is set to add the Turkish lira/yen pair to its FX offering on August 29. Rakuten made the decision to remove the US dollar/Turkish lira and Euro/Turkish lira pairs in September, but in this way its clients will still be able to access the Turkish lira in a pair more relevant to Japanese traders.
AvaTrade has informed its clients in Poland that due to new regulations set by the Polish regulators, it must restrict leverage for all clients residing in the country to 100:1. AvaTrade will update the leverage on the 26th of September.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:51。
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