IG Group 2015年财政收入为4亿英镑!

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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在这个里程碑式的创举之后,IG Group首席执行官Tim Howkins表示,在今年8月他就会退休。
IG Group 于5月31日刚刚宣布本财政年的初步结果。尽管在今年一月经历了瑞士法郎的动荡,经纪人不得不勾销约3000万英镑,IG Group仍然保持着4亿英镑即8%的潜在收入增长率(合美元6.22亿)。
关于收入报告中显示的增长率下降到5%,总计3.884亿英镑。IG Group已经强调了运营成本的增长,并且公司决定增加对未来开发的产品的投资。
另外,IG Group税前营业利润下降了0.9%,总计1.932亿英镑。与此同时,税前利润低了13个百分点。稀释每股收益比报告下降了10.5%,约3.599英镑,也是他们以2.1%——约4.107英镑的增长占上风的原因。
IG Group已经发布了另一份声明,在公司运营的第16年,其首席执行官(CEO)Tim Howkins将在10月份退休。
IG Group目前的股息政策一直保持在2.815英镑,每年年终股息为1.97英镑。
IG Group在没有任何额外的细节揭示情况下解释说,公司正在许多地区寻求越来越多的客户。
IG Group在以前的季度公告已经强调了,公司的新纯股票经纪已经在英国、爱尔兰和荷兰推出,预计年底在德国和奥地利推出。
公司的前CEO,Tim Howkins 阐述了结果:“作为我们产品和地域多元化战略的一部分,我们在英国,爱尔兰和荷兰推出了我们的纯股票经纪产品,年底后将扩展到德国和奥地利。我们也成功获得牌照,在瑞士和迪拜开设了办事处。”
IG Group Annual Revenues for Fiscal 2015 Top £400 Million
After reaching the milestone, the Chief Executive Officer of the firm, Tim Howkins, announced that he will be retiring in October
IG Group has just announced its preliminary results for the fiscal year ending on the 31st of May. Despite the Swiss franc turmoil in January, when the broker had to write off about £30 million, the company registered a decent growth rate in underlying revenues by 8 percent to £400 million ($622 million).

 On the reported revenues figures the growth rate slows down to about 5 percent, totaling £388.4 million. The company has highlighted that its operating costs have increased, due to investment in future products.

Underlying profit before tax dropped 0.9 percent totaling £193.2 million. At the same time reported profit before tax went lower by 13 percent. Reported diluted earnings per share (EPS) were reported lower by 10.5 percent at 35.99 pence, while on an underlying basis they came out ahead by 2.1 percent at 41.07 pence.
The company has issued a separate announcement revealing that after 16 years at the company, its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tim Howkins will be retiring in October.
The company maintained its current dividend policy keeping it at 28.15 pence per year with a final dividend of 19.7 pence.
Without revealing any additional details, the company explained that it is looking at the growing number of its clients across a number of regions.
As IG Group has already highlighted in previous quarterly announcements, the firm’s new execution-only stockbroking offering has gone live in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands and is expected to be launched by the end of the current month in Germany and Austria.
IG Group has opened its office in Dubai after receiving the lucrative financial services license by the Dubai Financial Services Authority. The firm is also on track with its plans for Switzerland, where it received a Swiss banking license last year.
The retiring CEO of the company, Tim Howkins elaborated on the results, “As part of our product and geographic diversification strategy, we launched our execution-only stockbroking product in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands and extended it into Germany and Austria after year end. We also successfully acquired licences and opened offices in Switzerland and Dubai.”
IG Group Holdings plc股份遭投资者削减

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:53。
转载请注明:IG Group 2015年财政收入为4亿英镑! | 每日外汇网


