独家:Ira Koyner离开花旗团队加入摩根士丹利外汇期权部门

汇商资讯 8年前 (2016) admin
19 0


摩根士丹利已经雇佣了行业内受到盛赞的交易员Ira Koyner。他在花旗工作了六年之后,加入了摩根士丹利,被任命为外汇G10期权部门的高级交易员。
Koyner在Thomas Richards在Systematica Investments成为定量分析师离职之后的两个月加入了公司。
Ira Koyner是行业老手,1996年入行,再之前有十年的从业经验。
Exclusive: Ira Koyner Joins Morgan Stanley’s FX Options Desk from Citi
After 6 years at Citi, highly regarded trader Koyner joins the FX Options desk at Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley has recruited one of the most highly regarded traders in the industry, Ira Koyner. He joins the FX options desk at Morgan Stanley after spending six years at Citi as senior trader at the foreign exchange G10 options desk.
With his experience in working for a number of top multi-national banks, Koyner is to boost the foreign exchange options team at the bank. He’s known in the industry for his extensive experience in managing global option portfolios, trading desk management and team development. Koyner will be joining Morgan Stanley’s team in New York.
During his tenure at Citi, Koyner has been managing the risk and option pricing for the global vanilla EUR portfolio. In addition he spearheaded a couple of technology projects to improve risk management and analytical tools and access to liquidity.
Koyner joins the company a couple of months after Thomas Richards left the firm to become quant analyst at Systematica Investments.
Ira Koyner is a veteran in the industry, starting in 1996 at BNP Paribas, before joining RBS for a 10 year long tenure.


版权声明:admin 发表于 2016年5月20日 下午 11:12。
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