
汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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伦敦金属交易所首席执行官Garry Jones说:“LME支持欧盟监管机构的目的是增加透明度,减少市场风险。然而,要求金属行业为符合其他规定,这是完全不同的,资产类别可能会扼杀参与者创造全球参考价格和管理他们的价格风险的能力。”
“LME正在与监管机构合作,确保这些对金属交易社区的规定的累积效应不是随便制定的。与此同时,许多这些规则的实施日期正在迅速逼近,和参与者在整个金属价值链应该考虑改变对他们的业务意味着什么。”监管主任Kirstina Comb说。
LME Denounces EU Regulation as Damaging to the Market and Traders
The commodities trading venue says that Europe’s ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach won’t fit the metals market.
The London Metal Exchange (LME) has released a white paper slamming the upcoming European Union (EU) regulations as damaging to its trading specialty. The venue says that the risks in metals trading are different from those in the financial markets, and if regulation is not tailored accordingly, we could see irreparable damage to the wider industry.
“The LME supports EU regulators’ aims to increase transparency and reduce risk in the markets. However, requiring the metals industry to comply with regulation that is designed for other, completely different, asset classes may stifle participants’ ability to create global reference prices and manage their price risk,” said Garry Jones, LME CEO.
The wide scope of the new rules means that many in the metal markets, such as commodity traders, could face stringent new EU rules for the first time. However, in its paper the LME says it seems little attention has been focused by regulators on how the new rules will affect the metals markets in particular.
“The LME is working with regulators to ensure that the cumulative effect of these rules on the metal trading community is not underestimated. Meanwhile, the implementation dates of many of these rules are rapidly approaching, and participants throughout the metals value chain should be thinking about what the changes mean for their business,” said Kirstina Combe, Head of Regulation.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:44。
转载请注明:LME因破坏市场和交易员行为公开指责欧盟监管 | 每日外汇网


