南非监管恢复 ACM Gold 许可证

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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Finance Magnates已经从南非监管机构金融服务委员会(FSB)了解到,今天恢复了ACM黄金和外汇交易的交易许可证(ACM)。从南非最大的经纪商之一,ACM的交易许可后暂停了8月的客户数量和IB代理(IB)受到审查。
ACM Gold主席Irfan Pardesi对Finance Magnates说:“在过去的几周是非常有趣的,行业的参与者都非常的支持我们,关心我们,我衷心的感谢他们发来的信息和打来的电话。”
从我们对新任CEO打算任命开始,对Dano Fotiadis来说是一个非常奇妙的学习。他的领导是我们的楷模,,我们现有的客户继续为他们的帐户注资是如此令人难以置信,这是因为他们对我们的信任。”
ACM已经与Pastor Colin Davids的铂外汇开始接触,其资产因为涉嫌经营数百万庞氏骗局被冻结。FSB同样对ACM的IB,Go Direct Stock Market Investments因冻结客户资金以及没有付给客户承诺的汇报,发出警告声明。
ACM8月表示,公司与Davids的个人资产有关系,而不是铂金外汇,并且拒绝提供进一步的细节,直到收到FSB的调查反馈。ACM 8月也解释了他们积极与日常监管机构合作,挽救局面。
ACM发言人,Robyn Francis说:“我们当然不知道有任何庞氏类型的活动,并且我们永远不会支持这样的活动。我们相信,通过与FSB的合作我们将在市场上解决此事件和恢复我们地位。在此期间,现有客户保持他们的账户和基金仍然是安全的。“今天这些努力已得到了不菲的结果。”

ACM Gold’s License Reinstated by South African Watchdog
The brokerage said in August that they were actively working with the regulator on a day-to-day basis after being linked to shady characters.

 Finance Magnates has learned that the South African regulator, the Financial Services Board (FSB), has today reinstated the trading licence of ACM Gold and Forex Trading (ACM). One of the biggest brokers from South Africa, ACM had its trading license suspended in August after a number of its clients and introducing brokers (IB) came under scrutiny.

Irfan Pardesi, the Chairman of ACM Gold commented to Finance Magnates, “It has been an interesting ride over the last few weeks. The industry players were very supportive of us and concerned about us, I would like to thank them for all the calls and messages.
It was such an amazing learning curve for our new CEO Dano Fotiadis since the event unfolded within ten days of him assuming the position. His leadership during this process was exemplary and the fact that our existing customers continued to fund their accounts was such an incredible feeling and an example of trust they put in us.”
The broker has been associated with Pastor Colin Davids’ Platinum Forex, which had its assets frozen due to allegedly running a multi-million rand Ponzi scheme. The FSB has also issued a warning against another one of ACM’s IBs, Go Direct Stock Market Investments, for freezing client funds and not delivering promised returns.
The brokerage stated in August that the company had a relationship with Mr. Davids in a personal capacity, not with Platinum Forex, declining to provide further details until feedback from the FSB’s investigation is received. ACM also explained in August that they were actively working with the regulator on a day-to-day basis to remedy the situation.
ACM spokeswoman Robyn Francis said, “We were certainly not aware of any Ponzi-type activity, and would never endorse it. We believe that by working with the FSB we will achieve resolution and regain our position in the market. In the interim, existing clients have access to their accounts and all funds remain secure.” Today these efforts have reached fruition.
This is not the first time that the South African regulator has suspended and then reinstated the trading licence of ACM. A few years ago the same thing happened after the FSB was unable to ascertain the full extent and validity of a complaint against the brokerage.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:44。
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