头条:盛宝银行Lars Seier Christensen下台,Kim Fournais成为唯一的CEO

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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盛宝银行联合创始人和联合首席执行官之一的Lars Seier Christensen,宣布他将从公司的董事会管理团队辞职。但是他仍然是公司的股东,从明年开始Christensen先生将会离开公司,随后Kim Fournais就会成为此丹麦交易商唯一的CEO。
公司的高层管理团队将进行重组,增加一个新的首席运营官(COO)的职位。从2016年1月1日起,盛宝银行董事会管理团队包括CEO Kim Fournais,CFO Steen Blaafal以及新任命的COO Søren Kyhl。
作为即将成为公司唯一的CEO,Kim Fournais解释说:“Lars和我从92年成立公司一来就是非常默契的合作伙伴,当然他作为盛宝银行的股东我们将继续进行合作。无论是在私人或者是机构领路对于发展战略我们都有着强烈的信心,特别是在发展最前端的技术来支持我们全球产品服务方面。”
Breaking: Saxo Bank’s Lars Seier Christensen Steps Down, Kim Fournais Becomes Sole CEO
Effective from the end of 2015, the co-founder of the Danish multi-asset brokerage will be stepping down from the board of management
One of the co-founders and the co-CEO of Saxo Bank, Lars Seier Christensen, has announced that he will be stepping down from the company’s board of management. While remaining a shareholder, starting from next year, Mr Christensen will be leaving the company, with Kim Fournais becoming the sole CEO of the Danish multi-asset brokerage.
The company’s senior management will be restructured with the creation of a new role of Chief Operating Officer (COO). Starting from January 1st 2016, Saxo Bank’s Board of Management will include CEO Kim Fournais, CFO Steen Blaafalk and Søren Kyhl who will be appointed as COO.
Mr Christensen became the co-CEO of Saxo Bank in 1995 after becoming an investor in the company back in 1992. He will remain as a shareholder with his stake currently standing at 26 per cent.
Commenting on the announcement, he said, “I had never imagined that I would stay on as CEO in the same company for 20 years, but it has been an amazing journey together with the skilled and talented employees in Saxo Bank.”
“Saxo Bank is a mature company with a continued significant potential, there is consensus concerning the business strategy and a strong management team is in place. To step back into a different role has been a wish of mine for a considerable period and I believe now is the right time. I step down as co-CEO with a firm belief in future success for Saxo Bank, in which I also privately have an interest as a shareholder,” he added.
The upcoming sole CEO of the company, Kim Fournais, explained, “Lars and I have had a strong partnership since we founded the company together in 1992 and we will continue the partnership as shareholders in Saxo Bank. There is full confidence in the growth strategy within the private and institutional segments and not least in developing the best technology to support our global multi-asset product offerings.
Saxo Bank has strengthened its capital base and added profiles with significant qualifications and expertise to both the Board of Directors and the Board of Management. We experience a growing interest in Saxo Bank’s business model and the long-term strategy of an IPO remains unchanged,” he concluded.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:46。
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