
汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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去年ECN交易商Hotspot的交易量就是不稳定的。确实,事实上,在经历连续三个季度的solid FX交易量的动荡,导致2014年第三季度季度到2015年第一季度Hotspot FX的活动量已经下降了。该公司记录了2015年7连续四个月的交易量的下降,7月平均日成交额(ADV)相比6月低8.6%。

外汇运营商,BATS Global Markets在三月收购了Hotspot FX,在这种趋势下,越来越多的全球交易所进入利润丰厚的外汇市场展开与其他同行的竞争。事实上,就在上周,纳斯达克宣布在2016年计划推出一个新的外汇交易平台。
经历了最近几个月的交易的艰难困苦,BATS的代表告诉Finance Magnates说,他们不关心对Hotspot FX投资的长期生存能力,他们注意交易量的下降已经完全被市场波动影响的结果。
Hotspot FX Volumes Modestly Rebound with 20.4% MoM Jump in August 2015
Following four consecutive months of declining volumes, the ECN broker has registered a MoM jump, although volumes remain down YoY.
The last year has seen volatile volumes for electronic communications network (ECN) Hotspot FX. Indeed, after experiencing three consecutive quarters of solid FX volume results between Q3 2014 to Q1 2015, activity at Hotspot FX has been on the decline. The company recorded four consecutive months of declining volumes to July 2015, with average daily volumes (ADV) for the month of July 8.6% lower than June.
However, the firm recorded a modest rebound for the month of August 2015, in which the company registered a 20.4% MoM jump in forex volumes, which came in at $595.25 billion. ADV was recorded at $28.3 billion, an 18.5% MoM increase from June 2015.
However, volumes remain down on an annual basis, with total volume for the month of August 2014 almost 2% higher, at $606.9 billion, than the volume in August 2015.

The exchange operator, BATS Global Markets, acquired Hotspot FX in March, in a trend which has seen an increasing number of global exchanges vying to enter the lucrative forex market. Indeed, just last week, Nasdaq announced that it plans to launch a new forex trading platform due in 2016.
Commenting on the difficult trading period over the last few months, representatives from BATS told Finance Magnates that they were not concerned about the long-term viability of their investment in Hotspot FX, noting that the drop in volume has simply been a consequence of market fluctuations.
Indeed, the modest increase in trading volume in August will surely be encouraging.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:48。
转载请注明:Hotspot2015年8月外汇交易量小幅反弹,月增率为20.4% | 每日外汇网


