
汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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(FBI在Vitaly Korchevsky家中将其逮捕)
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)指控Concorde Bermuda Ltd.欺诈,并称其为“在百慕大设立对冲基金,其主要营业地点在乌克兰的基辅。”根据指控,Concorde在Interactive Brokers自营交易账户用于欺诈计划运作使用,已有大约360万美元的非法获利。
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)补充说,交易通常都在同一天同一支证券中进行,并在同一时间结束交易。通常都通过同一IP地址,名为Oleksandr Makarov——一个32岁的基辅人,其曾经在金融服务行业,包括Phoenix Capital在内的多家投资公司工作。
2014年4月,Concorde Capital Partners给Jaspen汇款近150万美元。Jaspen通过一些散户和机构交易员常交易的、优秀的在线交易商交易差价合约。如:盛宝银行、Cantor Fitzgerald、GFT以及ADM。每个差价合约的提供者对冲其在美国差价合约执行的交易风险。如此,这些差价合约交易是在美国股市市场产生交易的直接原因。
Concorde Bermuda是与Concorde Capital集团业务相同的一部分。该公司有一个叫所谓“Forex Trend 2.0 计划”。Forex Trend是一个乌克兰的交易商,在新西兰注册,但是没有正式运营就倒闭了,而且将客户的钱都卷走了。然而,这个交易商仍活跃在网上论坛,他们推测这是该交易商重生的机会。
Concorde Capital——乌克兰公司,已经看见一个向Forex Trend销售的机会,宣布它将推出一个新经纪公司首选条件。然而,这仍然是一个工作计划,而不是一个具体的解决方案。
Finance Magnate针对此事进行了采访,该公司回复说:“Concorde Capital Group是乌克兰的投资市场最大的运营商之一,我们为包括数以百计的投资了的客户提供服务,处理他们的,包括在美国的全球交易。
Exclusive: Ukraine’s Largest Broker Responds to $100 Mln Insider Trading Allegations
Some of the traders allegedly used insider information to trade on CFDs through various online brokers
Another firm from the forex industry is allegedly involved in the recently exposed financial hacking case. Dozens of traders from around the world, who seem to be linked to a hub in Ukraine, illegally traded on insider information stolen by hackers from newswires.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed fraud charges against Concorde Bermuda Ltd., describing it as a “hedge fund established in Bermuda with its principal place of business in Kiev, Ukraine.” According to the charges, Concorde has proprietary trading accounts at Interactive Brokers which were used in connection with the fraudulent scheme, resulting in approximately $3.6 million in ill-gotten gains.
SEC adds that those Concorde trades were often made in the same securities, on the same days and close to the same times, and often through the same IP addresses as Oleksandr Makarov, a 32 years old from Kiev, who worked in the financial services industry for various investment companies, including Phoenix Capital.
addition, in April 2014, Concorde Capital Partners wired Jaspen approximately $1.5 million. Jaspen traded CFDs through a number of well established online brokers commonly used by retail and institutional traders alike: Saxo Bank, Cantor Fitzgerald, GFT, and ADM. Each of the CFD providers hedged its exposure created by the CFD trades by executing trades in the United States. Thus, these CFD trades were the proximate cause of trades in the United States equity markets.
trading occurred in the window of time between when the press releases were uploaded to the Newswire Services’ computer systems and when they were publicly released, often close in time to the issuers’ upload of releases to the Newswire Services.
Is Concorde?
Concorde Bermuda is part of the same business group as Concorde Capital, the firm behind the so-called Forex Trend 2.0 project. Forex Trend was a Ukrainian broker registered in New Zealand that shut down without notice, taking with it all of its clients’ funds. However, the traders remained active in online forums where they speculated on the chances for the rebirth of the broker.
Concorde Capital, a Ukrainian firm, has seen an opportunity to market Forex Trend’s clients, announcing that it will launch a new brokerage with preferred terms. However, this is still a work in process and not yet a concrete solution.
Fund or Broker?
as in the case of EXANTE, there is a disagreement between the company and the SEC with regards to the responsibility for the alleged insider trading. While the SEC refers to the firm as a hedge fund, implying that it trades itself, the company says that it’s their clients trading.
Speaking with Finance Magnates about the situation, the firm responded: “Concorde Capital Group is one of the largest operators in the investment market of Ukraine, we serve hundreds of clients who invest and conduct their transactions around the world, including in the United States.
Obviously, some of these transactions have appeared suspicious. At the moment, we understand the situation and are conducting an internal investigation. We are totally open and will facilitate an official investigation.”

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:50。
转载请注明:独家:乌克兰最大的经纪人对一亿美元内幕交易指控的回应 | 每日外汇网


