独家:Fortress Prime由于出金问题考虑并购

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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从Finance Magnates报道的关于Fortress Prime的客户出金问题已经有两个月了。数周后,一些客户已经收到了一部分资金,其他的收到了全部资金的偿还,但是不是所有客户都相信他们的资金是安全的。
尽管问题存在着,公司已经设法稳定其交易量,从Finance Magnates报道的该公司的9月数据就能看出,该公司正在努力维持。此外,公司领导团队正在采取措施来提高公司形象,据知情人士称,公司将在未来的几周进行大的并购交易。
由于客户的资金问题,疑虑依然存在。公司预备走出最坚实的一步就是,公司可以满足所有客户的出金请求。与Finance Magnates的记者说,银行账户存款基金保持不变,是事实上,Fortress Prime没有批准所有客户的出金请求,同时对他们的收购能力提出了疑问。
Fortress Prime已经通知客户,他们正在面临一些银行的反洗钱问题,在未来的几周将得到解决。经纪人客户的信心是以公司领导人的努力和管理的信誉为转移的。
随着高调的M & A决议的进行,公司将会在行业内顺利建立成为大交易商。但是为了维持现在的需求,一些客户近几个月已经开始面临许多疑虑了。

资源与知识共享的Finance Magnates的记者表示,公司的董事会已经重审,声明在AML问题建立一个新的法律框架之后,所有的客户的出金请求都会被付清。然而出金延迟了两个多月,公司的管理时间并不多了。
公司目前正在采取拖延Fortress Prime业务部门在其自己的公司进行管理,包括通过对经纪人的管理控制和合规业务的管理。该公司目前正在Fortress Capital Investments的保护伞下运作。
Exclusive: Fortress Prime Contemplates Acquisition as Withdrawal Issues Persist
Trading volumes at the company have stabilized after the withdrawals issues which have become apparent in August
Its been a couple of months since Finance Magnates first reported about the withdrawals issues which some clients of Fortress Prime have been facing. Weeks later some clients have received portions of their funds and other have been repaid in full, yet not all customers have been convinced that their funds are safe.
Despite the issues, the company has managed to stabilize its volumes flow in September according to data obtained by Finance Magnates reporters. Moreover, the ownership of the company could be taking steps to boost the firm’s profile with a big M&A deal in the coming weeks, according to sources with knowledge of the matter.
Doubts remain, due to the firm’s issues with client funds. The big solid step that the company can take to reassure its customers is to disburse all withdrawals in one go. Clients which Finance Magnates reporters have spoken with shared that bank accounts for depositing funds remain the same, and the fact that Fortress Prime still hasn’t honored all client withdrawal requests is raising some questions about the capacity of the brokerage to make an acquisition.
Fortress Prime has informed its clients that it is facing some anti-money laundering issues with its banks and they will be resolved in the coming weeks. The confidence of the broker’s clients hinges on the efforts of the company’s owners and management to regain credibility.
With a prospective high profile M & A deal in the pipeline, the company could be well on its way to establish itself as a major player in the industry. However in order for it to maintain its presence it needs to eliminate all concerns from clients which have surfaced in recent months.
Trading volumes
Looking at the trading volumes of the firm, after a big slump in July, the figures have stabilized somewhat in August and remained stable in September when compared to the broad industry trend.
Metals trading in September marked the most successful month for the company since its launch over a year ago as the firm’s customers traded over 40,000 contracts. Looking at FX, last month’s volumes declined 8 per cent to $44.8 billion, which is still way above the recent low marked in July, as the company was struggling with withdrawals complaints.
CFD’s trading picked up materially in recent months as volatility on the equities markets has made that asset class more attractive for a number of traders.
Withdrawal delays
Sources with knowledge of the matter have shared with Finance Magnates reporters that the board of the company has reiterated that all clients will be paid in full after claiming that the AML issue for the firm was requiring a new legal framework. However with delays building up to more than two months, the management of the company is running out of time.
The company is currently taking steps to spin out the Fortress Prime business division into its own unit which will allow the management team of the brokerage to obtain control over the finance and compliance functions of the business. The brokerage is currently operating under the umbrella of Fortress Capital Investments.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:44。
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