福汇因Revelation Forex支付84.3万美元

汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)周二的时候发布文件,同时对Forex Capital Markets(纽约证券交易所名称:FXCM)进行指控,控告其未能严格的监督员工管理的Revelation Forex基金持有的账户。进行外汇交易池欺诈,Revelation Forex基金是由Kevin G. White管理的,并且他还管理着两家合法实体。
尽管福汇当时意识到了Revelation Forex是一个骗局的警告信号,但是福汇仍然没有认定并报告出合规程序的违规,或者White先生所代表的实体操作的网站违反了作为一个商品池操作者的豁免注册权。CFTC还发现,福汇未能充分的回应查看文件的要求,在这一过程中,还违反了之前委员会命令。
CFTC要求福汇支付70万美金的民事罚款,以及交出Revelation Forex的佣金和费用14万3922.5美元,还有吸收的740万美元的投资。最后要求其遵守包括雇佣第三方合规顾问审查和监督报告问题。
FXCM Ordered to Pay More Than $843,000 Over Revelation Forex
FXCM failed to identify or report warning signs in violation of its own compliance procedures
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on Tuesday filed and simultaneously settled charges against Forex Capital Markets (NYSE: FXCM), for failing to diligently supervise its employees’ handling of accounts held by Revelation Forex Fund. The fraudulent foreign currency exchange pool, Revelation Forex Fund was operated by Kevin G. White and two legal entities he controlled.
According to the CFTC, FXCM failed to follow its compliance procedures that require that it “know all of its customers” and that its employees identify and promptly report suspicious activities to appropriate authorities.
The CFTC sued White and his entities in July 2013, for their fraudulent scheme and subsequently entered into a consent order for permanent injunction against them. He pled guilty in December 2013 to numerous charges of fraud, including the embezzlement of approximately $1.8 million in client funds. White was sentenced to over eight years of prison for mail fraud.
Although FXCM was aware of warning signs that Revelation Forex was a fraud, FXCM failed to identify or report these warning signs in violation of its own compliance procedures, or that White’s operation of websites on behalf of the entities violated their exemption from registering as a commodity pool operator. The CFTC also finds that FXCM failed to respond fully to its document request and, in doing so, violated a previous commission order.
The CFTC requires FXCM to pay a civil monetary penalty of $700,000; disgorge commissions and fees of $143,922.50 it earned from the Revelation Forex accounts, which attracted nearly $7.4 million in investments; and comply with certain undertakings including hiring a third-party compliance consultant to review and report on the supervisory issues.

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:47。
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