
汇商资讯 9年前 (2015) admin
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对于App工作室的建立,汤森路透首席技术官和全球平台、金融和风险部门主管Philip Brittan评论说:“汤森路透正在建设一个开放的平台,可以使行业内的市场茁壮的成长。Eikon上面的App工作室是我们利用开放技术消除壁垒,高效协作工作的许多方式的一种。它将帮助金融专业人士产生新的经营理念,快速应对市场变化,提供新的工具为他们的客户服务。”
Eikon Gets an App Studio as Thomson Reuters Opens the Platform to Developers
Thomson Reuters is opening its Eikon platform as it aims to provide new value for users.
In an interesting move, Thomson Reuters has announced the launch of App Studio for its Eikon trading platform solution. The addition of App Studio will allow 3rd party developers to create and market apps to Eikon users.
A rival to Bloomberg and its Terminal system, firms such as Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg have been focused on creating proprietary solutions to boost their offerings in the competitive platform sector. As such, with App Studio, Thomson Reuters is counting on its customers finding value with the ability to integrate externally developed apps within its Eikon platform.
The launch of App Studio also comes as a new rival, messaging firm Symphony, has recently launched with plans of an app marketplace being a key part solution of its system. In addition, several other firms have been introducing app marketplaces to their institutional trading sector. Among them, tech developer OpenFin has created a solution that allows banks using its technology in its dealing platforms to add an app marketplace of both external and internally developed solutions.
Commenting on the App Studio launch, Philip Brittan, CTO and Global Head of platform, Financial & Risk at Thomson Reuters, stated: “Thomson Reuters is building an open platform where the ideas of the market can thrive. App Studio in Eikon is one of many ways we are drawing on open technologies to eliminate the barriers to efficient, collaborative workflows in the financial industry. It will help financial professionals generate fresh business ideas, respond rapidly to market changes and deliver new tools and services to their clients”

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版权声明:admin 发表于 2015年10月24日 下午 9:44。
转载请注明:Eikon建立App工作室为汤森路透开发者开放平台 | 每日外汇网


